网页Autosampler Vials, Caps, and Closures Autosampler Vials and Vial Sets Autosampler Vials Autosampler Vials 1 – 30 1132 Industries Education First Responders Government
网页Buy 8 oz, 250mL Clear Boston Round, 60x136mm, 24-400mm Thread at best price from Clinivex. View more information about Item size, quantity and other details to conduct precise tests & experiments.
网页Autosampler Vials, Caps, and Closures Fisherbrand™ 9 mm Glass Screw Thread Vials Fisherbrand™ 9 mm screw thread vials feature a wide neck opening which allows for
网页「国産バイアルキット (1.5ml スクリューバイアル、透明 + セプタム付キャップ、青)」。富士フイルム和光純薬株式会社は、試験研究用試薬・抗体の製造販売および各種受託サービスを行っています。先端技術の研究から、ライフサイエンス関連、有機合成用や環境測定用試薬まで、幅広い分野で
网页Autosampler Vial Closures (2) Flip Cap Seals and Aluminum Seals (2) For Flip Tear Up (2) 11 mm Alumnium Caps (1) 13 mm Flip-cap (1) 2 mL Vials Compatible with Thermo Scientific (1) 20 mm Alumnium Caps (1) 20 mm (1)
网页Wheaton® Acura® XS Pipettor Starter Kit Toggle Nav
网页Shop Fisherbrand Shell Vial Kit, PP, Clear, PE plug at Fishersci.se Fisherbrand™ Shell Vial Kit, PP, Clear, PE plug: Autosampler Vials and Vial Sets Autosampler Vials, Caps, and Closures | Fisher Scientific
网页Description. Store your samples with confidence in convenient Thermo Scientific™ National™ Sample Storage Assembled Screw Vial Kits. Superior quality 33 expansion borosilicate clear (Type 1, Class A) or 51A amber (Type 1, Class B) glass vials. PTFE-lined solid-top storage caps. PTFE on film/foam backing offers broad chemical resistance.
网页MilliporeSigma. Vial inserts basically permit the use of smaller sample volumes with standard autosampler vials. Inserts are generally chosen based on the inner diameter of the vial neck. Standard opening vials (4.6 mm ID) require a 5 mm OD insert. Compare this item.
网页The septa produced by our company have the following ch [] 15-425 screw vial 24-400 screw vial Purge and Trap/TOC Sample vial
网页high quality 2ml clear screw hplc vials and caps manufacturer 9mm 2ml Short Tread HPLC Autosampler Vial 9mm Short Thread Caps with Septa 8-425 2ml Screw Neck HPLC Autosampler Vial Whatsapp:+8618057059123 1-4mL
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网页Autosampler vials are usually made from clear or amber glass, both of which are highly inert. Amber glass helps protect more sensitive samples from exposure to UV light and radiation. Vial inserts are used to reduce the capacity of the vial to accommodate smaller samples. Typically 150 to 400µL in volume, they may be made of glass, plastic, or
网页The Versa Vial™ is a 12x32mm shell vial with a modified neck that allows pick-up by an autosampler. This vial can be used in most autosamplers that currently use 12x32mm vials. The vase like design of the Versa Vial™ system has the largest opening available for any autosampler use. The elongated.
网页Fisher Scientific Pte Ltd. 1 Science Park Road #03-01/09 The Capricorn Singapore Science Park 2 Singapore 117528; Phone: (65) 6016 4798; Email: enquiry.sg@thermofisher.com